Crimes In Bramley, is a community crime awareness and information Facebook Group. There are 20K plus members in the group, contributing to posts by victims of local crime committed within the community every day.
Crimes In Bramley is a private, non public group. We are members only, which makes the group secure and free to discuss crimes and anti-social behaviour. Our admin team evaluate all new member applications before they can join the group.
If you have unwittingly stumbled across a copy cat Facebook page/group of a very similar name, for security reasons you should use extreme caution when posting or commenting sensitive information about crime on a open un-secure public page/group. You can check simply by clicking the information tab on any page/group, ‘public’ pages/groups are NOT secure!
You can join the original secure, closed group Crimes In Bramley Facebook Group by clicking the link below. You must be over the age of 18 and agree to the group rules.
Join our Newsletter below. Just enter your First Name and email.
You can also join the group through a link on the Crimes In Bramley website below. The website offers the community information and resources of local interests.