Crimes In Bramley
If you have landed on this Website. you are either a Member of the CIB Facebook Group or our rating on Google has increased. Let’s start with what CIB Facebook Group is about and what we aim to achieve within the Bramley Community.
The Facebook Group Crimes In Bramley, was established early 2018 after an increase in van thefts. locally within Bramley. The aim of the Group was to share the details of thefts via CCTV across the Local Community to identify the Thieves and hopefully bring the thefts to a stop.
Unexpectedly, not only was the van thefts getting posted and reported but all other aspects of Crime and Antisocial Behaviour within the Community. The awareness to residents generated by members posts can and has resulted in a reduction in localised crime, which is a fantastic result. But, we don’t want the story to end here! Moving forward and with the support of local residents and this website. we would all like to see further reductions in localised Crime and Antisocial Behaviour making Bramley a safer and more pleasant place to live.
The question is, how do we reduce the crime rate further? The simple answer is – as a Community we keep doing what we are already doing. Keep posting on the Crimes In Bramley Facebook Group, keeping the residents aware of local crime. Awareness is the key to succeed in the fight against Crime and Antisocial Behaviour. The only legal deterrent we have at our disposal as local residents is the ‘Name and Shame’ of perpetrators. Which does actually have an impact and is a proven deterrent.
What impact on Crime does this Website have? Back to awareness, the information and advise within the Blogs, Local Community News and projects, tried and tested security equipment reviews and secure and trusted links to related websites will all contribute to the crime reduction we would all like to achieve.
We hope your time on the website is educational and worth while. Have a look at the other Social links and consider subscribing to the CIB Quarterly Newsletter to get updates straight to your email. If you would like to get in touch, please use the Contact Us link.